Developing a Discerning Heart - May 13



Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of following one’s conscience and the discernment of spirits. But what is discernment and how does one do it? This workshop will take a practical approach to the practice based on the classical rules that were developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola. The morning will include presentations as well as case studies and discussion.


Francis Daly
Francis J. Daly, SJ, is executive director of Manresa Jesuit Retreat House in Bloomfield Hills. He was master of novices for the Detroit and Chicago Provinces and Tertian Director for Jesuits from four continents.

Kathie Budesky, IHM 

Kathie Budesky, IHM, MA, the director of Visitation North Spirituality Center, has many years of experience in secondary education, both in the religious studies classroom and in the principal’s office. She was a staff associate in the Ignatian Program in Spiritual Direction and Retreat Ministry at Guelph, Ontario.