An Ecological Conversation
Susan Rakoczy, IHM, PhD
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Suggested Offering: $25
Thomas Merton, renowned Trappist spiritual writer, had an intuitive grasp of the beauty of creation since he was a young child, as his mother attested. Creation images abound in his poetry. Merton died in 1968; Pope Francis became pope in 2013 and has become a significant voice in ecological thought through his two documents Laudato Si’ (2015) and Laudate Deum (2023). What might they say to each other today?
Sue Rakoczy, IHM, PhD, is a native Detroiter and a graduate of Marygrove College. Her doctorate in spirituality is from the Catholic University of America. She spent thirty-two years teaching feminist theology and spirituality in South Africa, returning to the United States in 2022. She is the author of Great Mystics and Social Justice: Walking on the Two Feet of Love (Paulist Press) and Common Journey Different Paths: Spiritual Direction in Cross-Cultural Perspective (Orbis Press).
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