Pondering His Poetry on Creation and the Paschal Mystery

Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ

Mary Ellen Sheehan, IHM, STD
Saturday, April 26, 9:30am-12:30pm 
Suggested Offering: $25


Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J. was born in 1844 in east London, an Anglican who went to Oxford to study the Classics. He converted to the Roman Catholic faith and eventually became a Jesuit. Stimulated by the Welsh countryside, Hopkins wrote several poems on creation. Sent to Dublin to teach in J. H. Newman’s University, he wrote “the dark sonnets” as he underwent a depression. He died in Dublin in 1889. In this workshop, we will explore creation and the paschal mystery from Hopkins’ poems and ask: How does Hopkins call us into a deeper integrated Incarnational Spirituality? We will explore this question through presentation, guided personal reflection, and small group sharing.


Mary Ellen Sheehan, IHMMary Ellen Sheehan, IHM, STD, earned a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium and is a Professor Emerita of Theology at St. Michael’s College of the Toronto School of Theology. Currently, she offers lectures, workshops, and retreats that relate theology to a range of questions emerging in our current cultural context. She draws on the contemplative character of theology to deepen our experience and understanding of God and to explore the meaning of committed Christian discipleship in our world today.


Program Brochure/Registration Form